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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hip Hip Hooray!

I had a hip replaced in 98 and just got the news that the other hip needs a little work also. Operation is scheduled for May 17. I am glad this personal remodeling will be complete before the summer season is over. Full time RVing is a great way to rest weary bones....even the artificial ones.

Monday, April 5, 2010


With the Easter weekend over, I started back to work on a sundeck....I was trimming the outside boards using 1x12 when the outside 45's did not quite match up.
It was only off a little and you would have to look real close to see it and for a moment two thoughts entered my mind. The first thought was to let it go, no one would know...the second thought was that I would know. I remember being taught to always do my best. My best would inspire others to do their best. It has not always worked out that way over the years, but as I grow older, it becomes a great value to hold on to.
Thats me holding the beer can over another Marine in Vietnam 1969...such are the values of my youth!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Useful Information

In our quest of the ultimate lifestyle change, we have come across some good info given by other RV'ERs that I would like to share one of them....its Bill and Cathy's website and you can be informed and entertained by going to their website
You can never have to much information...Besides, once you start full-timing, the adventure will keep you excited with every turn in the road or in this path!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


This will be a short post due to the title...Our first RV experience was such a powerful change in our perception of living free. Living free does not mean that you are less responsible, but more responsive to the needs of those you love and yourself.
I think freedom can come long before you give yourself permission... what do you think?