I have been in the "hunt" for some pictures to post and ran into this one of Maureen.
Can you guess what she is in and where? Red colors were everywhere in Oct. that year and we loved the adventure. Place your guess in the comments. I have placed clues in this post to help with your guess....;>)
Oh man! You'd had to come up with a guessing game when I'm starving for goodies! Brain function is low without my chocolate :) I was going to guess a spaceship, but didn't want to make a fool of myself....so no, that's not my final answer! LOL!
A submarine from Hunt for Red October?????
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
USS Nautilus was the first nuclear-powered submarine. We visited the sub at Groton, Connecticut.
Nellie and Jonathan win the " I Can't Lose Award " and it may or may not arrive. :>)
She is in a submarine, must be a museum piece. I've knocked my knees on a few of those hatches myself visiting. Where, I couldn't say. There are a few subs retired that are open for tours.
Oh, I see from your comments it's the Nautilus in Groton, have been on that one. Glowed in the dark for a week afterwards. ;c)
Happytrails Win!!!!!!!
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